Making History – You Can Do It!

During the month of February, many black historians, humanitarians, and heroes have been highlighted. As we read and hear stories of these amazing trailblazers, we are inspired by their legacy and the impact that they have made on society, and in some cases did not know about until now.  Every day we are creating history…

Weathering the Storm

January 2023 was slotted to be a new start post-Covid and yet across the United States, many began the new year coping with disasters including rainstorms, tornadoes, snowstorms, and mudslides causing emergency situations. Despite the unexpectant challenges, disappointment, and in some instances loss, individuals consistently showed resilience, purpose, and support for others.  As time goes…


August is the month that teachers, students, administrators, and staff have returned to school and administrative buildings full of emotions; excitement for a new year, anxiety about the unknown, apprehension about change, or sadness of knowing that your classmate will not be with you this year.  Regardless of the circumstances, level of education, or modality…

Trouble Making Decisions?

There are different models of decision making and some begin with an informed opinion or evidence followed by action. Other decisions are made on emotions, biases, or experiences. Decision-making can be difficult but not impossible. It is important to remember that when we make decisions 1. We must make decisions that are best for our…

Congratulations Graduates!

Traditionally, the month of May has been a time to celebrate graduates of all academic levels; K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctorate. Family, friends, and co-workers share in the celebration of these major accomplishments, and certainly, the last couple of years highlight the need to celebrate prouder and louder than ever. For some, the road to…

Would you like to Blossom?

In March we were springing forward to set new goals and grow.  April is a month to blossom in new ways by expanding our learning.  April is National Autism Month and if you know someone or have a family member, friend, or colleague that identifies as having autism, this would be a suitable time to…

Are You Springing Forward?

Like millions around the world at midnight on March 12, 2022, we set our clocks to spring forward. Perhaps during this time of the year, you start to think about spring cleaning, spring break, or spring weather. Whatever the case, you moved forward with making plans to enjoy these options.  Spring is the time to…

Business Ethics — Where Do You Stand?

“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” We’ve all heard this old adage, and it is more applicable today than ever as debates about business ethics rage across all platforms. Is it okay for businesses to monitor employees’ social media accounts? Is it ethical to require that employees be vaccinated? These issues and similar…